
Chapter 4, Sections 1-4

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  • Who created the Dominion of New England and why?
    King James II created the Dominion to strengthen English control over the region.
  • What is a building that houses machinery for grinding grain called?
    A gristmill
  • What is an overseer?
    a supervisor
  • What made Mary Rowlandson famous?
    She wrote a book about being captured by Native Americans.
  • Describe some of the ways enslaved people rebelled against slave owners
    Staging slowdowns, faking illnesses, destroying crops and tools, running away, setting fire to fields and homes, and killing slave owners
  • What is an artisan?
    a person skilled at making things by hand
  • What is an obedience to a set of beliefs called?
  • What is a kind of wagon, made by German settlers in North America, that could carry heavy loads called?
    A Conestoga Wagon
  • Why were port cities less important in Southern Colonies than they were in New England?
    Plantations were built along the rivers. Ships could sail up tributaries from the Chesapeake Bay to these plantations.
  • What were the series of laws passed by the English Parliament to protect English shipping by restricting the transport of goods to and from the English colonies called?
    The Navigation Acts
  • What does smuggle mean?
    to import or export goods illegally
  • What are provisions?
    the supplies of food, water, and other items needed for a journey
  • What is the act of being forgiven for wrongdoings or sins called?
  • Why were farmers in the Middle Colonies prosperous?
    The Middle Colonies had rich farmland and warm weather, so crops such as wheat, corn, rye, and barley thrived there.
  • How did life differ for enslaved African Americans in New England and in the Southern Colonies?
    In New England, enslaved African Americans were trained for specific duties.
  • Compare and contrast the way boys and girls were educated in New England.
    Some boys went to college to become members of the clergy. Girls stayed with their mothers to learn skills like sewing and cooking. Girls did not go to college.
  • What was the policy of salutary neglect, and what was its effect on the American colonies?
    The English government did not strictly enforce its colonial policies. The American colonies became used to governing themselves, living in relative freedom.
  • What are common schools?
    colonial elementary schools
  • What is diversity?
    a wide variety
  • What is the right to practice the religion of one’s choosing without government interference called?
    Religious Freedom
  • What is a cash crop?
    a crop grown for sale rather than for use by farmers
  • What was the Glorious Revolution?
    the bloodless overthrow of James II in favor of William and Mary
  • Which crop did colonists learn how to farm from enslaved Africans?
  • What is a midwife?
    a person who is trained to help deliver babies
  • What does arable mean?
    able to grow crops; fertile
  • Describe the attitude of Puritans in New England toward other Protestant groups, such as Quakers and Baptists.
    1) They saw them as a threat. 2) They did not allow them to vote or hold office. 3) They hanged Quaker missionaries. 4) Punished non-Puritans.
  • What content in the New-York Weekly Journal led to Zenger's libel trial?
    articles about a colonial governor who removed a judge and tried to rig an election
  • What was the Great Awakening?
    a series of Protestant religious revivals that swept across the American colonies
  • Why was the whaling industry important to colonial New England?
    Whaling provided colonists with valuable products.
  • What does burgeon mean?
    to grow quickly
  • Before 1698, what was the main source of labor in the Southern Colonies?
    white indentured servants
  • What is libel?
    the publishing of lies
  • Why did the South Carolinian legislature prohibit enslaved people from learning to read and write in 1740?
    Legislators feared that literate slaves would rebel as they had at Stono.
  • What is a person who learns a craft or trade by working with a skilled member of that craft or trade called?
    An apprentice
  • What are rights such as life or liberty that a person is born with called?
    Natural Rights
  • What is tolerance?
    acceptance of others
  • How did Parliament and colonial assemblies differ?
    Assembly members had to live in the districts they represented, but members of Parliament did not.
  • What was the Stono Rebellion?
    a 1739 revolt by enslaved Africans against their owners
  • As plantations expanded, what effect did the increased workload have on enslaved Africans?
    Death rates increased
  • Why did some white colonists in the Middle Colonies oppose slavery?
    Slavery violated the “golden rule” that says to treat others the way you want them to treat you. Others opposed slavery because they feared slave rebellions.
  • Which of the following is NOT a principle stated by John Locke?
    Leaders can only rule with the consent of the people.
    People can overthrow leaders that don't protect their rights
    Human beings are born free and equal, with natural rights.
    A focus on everyday material concerns makes people less free
  • What is the legislative body of England, and, later, Great Britain called?
  • What is the policy of the British government to not strictly enforce its colonial policies called?
    Salutary neglect
  • Who was George Whitefield?
    a British minister who used theatrical gestures and thundering words
  • What is the western part of the Southern Colonies just east of the Appalachian Mountains called?
    The backcountry
  • Describe the term subsistence farming.
    family farms that produce only enough food for the family
  • Which of the following helped make Philadelphia the fastest-growing city in the colonies?
    The city was a major trading post.
  • What is a plant that produces a blue dye for cloth called?
  • What is a commodity?
    a trade good
  • What is a relatively flat area between the Appalachian Mountains and the coastal plain called?
  • What was the Enlightenment?
    an intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason to examine previously accepted beliefs
  • What did the Dutch West Indies Company’s “half freedom” do for older enslaved Africans?
    It freed them but not their children from slavery.
  • Which words did enslaved Africans introduce to the English language?
    yam and tote