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  • When a nebula condenses, takes on a shape, and emits light is called:
  • Main sequence stars are made primarily of which elements?
    H and He
  • When a red giant's outer atmosphere drifts away releasing elements to space is now known as:
    planetary nebula
  • A star is born when:
    a nebula turns into a protostar.
  • All stars____?
    Produce light.
  • When the core of a Red Supergiant collapses, a bright event occurs, known as:
  • If our Sun died out, what would it become at the end?
    White dwarf
  • A ________ is an object so dense with so much gravity that even light cannot escape.
    black hole
  • Stars are formed from big clouds of gas and dust is known as:
  • A_________________ is so massive that light can't even escape. What am I?
    black hole
  • When a medium mass star begins to run out of fuel, what does it become?
    Red giant
  • Our sun is currently in what star stage?
    Main sequence
  • After a supernova, the core can collapse into a neutron star, or if massive enough it can become a:
    black hole
  • The stable and longest lasting period of a star’s life cycle is called:
    Main Sequence
  • What is the main factor that determines what a star will become?
    Mass and amount of H available
  • Hydrogen is the most common chemical element in most stars? T or F
  • A star that has ignited and has used up all of the hydrogen is called:
    Red Giant
  • What does a low mass star become when it runs out of fuel?
    white dwarf
  • What type of stars' color is the hottest?
  • One possible outcome that is left after a supernova is a super dense core called a:
    neutron star.
  • What is the final stage of a white dwarf?
    Black dwarf.
  • The brightness of a star depends on?
    Temperature, size, distance from earth
  • The main energy acting on a nebula at the beginning is:
  • Why won't our sun ever become a black hole?
    It is too small.
  • What is the correct order of the life cycle of massive stars?
    Nebula --> protostar --> main sequence --> red supergiant --> supernova --> blackhole/ neutron star
  • A gigantic explosion that causes the death of a large star is called
  • What fuel do main sequence stars use?
  • A black hole is black because:
    even light cannot escape its gravity.