
Global Cancer Data 2021 (Hamza Business)

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  • What is the cancer rate in egypt?
  • What is the cancer precentage in the world?
    1.1% - 2.3%
  • What cancer you see?
    Bladder cancer
  • Which african country has the highest cancer rate?
  • Which country has the third highest cancer rate?
  • Why is breast cancer so common in the united states?
    Breast cancer is common in the United States and other developed countries, with one in eight women being diagnosed during their lifetime.
  • Which country haves the lowest cancer rate?
    Israel (Not correct)
  • Which is the deadliest cancer?
    Pancreatic Cancer (No image)
  • Why is there less cancer in underdeveloped countries?
    And as maternal mortality and infectious diseases are becoming less of a problem, people are living longer, which is great.
  • Why are cancer rates higher in developed countries?
    Lifestyle factors associated with developed countries such as smoking, lack of exercise, and diet. (I added Israel Flag because The index is wrong)
  • Which country haves the highest cancer rate?
  • Which country has the highest bladder cancer rate?
    Lebnaon (No image)
  • Why is cancer rate so low in africa?
    Patients of African ancestry have the poorest outcome and the shortest survival rates from cancer globally. (I added tanzania flag because i respect it.)
  • What is the cancer rate in tanzania 2021?