
Real Numbers Review

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  • What is the fraction for 0.8 ?
    8/10 or 4/5
  • What is the fraction for 5.11 ?
    5 11/100
  • To which category does the following number belong on a real numbers' chart? 11
    Whole Numbers
  • To which category does the following number belong on a real numbers' chart? -5
  • What are the two square roots of 64?
    +8, -8
  • Any number that can be written as a ratio/fraction is a ____________ number.
  • Rational and irrational numbers are which type of numbers?
    Real Numbers
  • What are the two square roots of 169?
    +13, -13
  • Any decimals numbers that do not terminate AND do not repeat are ____________ numbers.
  • What is the cube root of 27?
  • To which category does the following number belong on a real numbers' chart? 16/4
    Whole Numbers
  • What is the cube root of 125?
  • To which category does the following number belong on a real numbers' chart? 0.34
    Rational Numbers
  • True or False: All negative numbers are integers.
  • What is the decimal for 11/20 ?
  • What is the decimal for 2 3/4?
  • Repeating decimals belong to which category: rational or irrational numbers?
    Rational Numbers
  • What are the two square roots of 400?
    +20, -20
  • What is the decimal for 1/9 ?
  • To which category does the following number belong on a real numbers' chart? 0.121212...
    Rational Numbers
  • To which category does the following number belong on a real numbers' chart? -3.68
    Rational Numbers
  • To which category does the following number belong on a real numbers' chart? π
    Irrational Numbers
  • What is the cube root of 1,000?
  • Whole numbers, their negatives, and zero are called ___________.