
Gateway A2 Unit 1 School and free time activitie ...

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  • the language they speak in Mexico
  • You learn about kings and queens, battles and famous people in ...
  • it's the first thing you do in the morning ...
    get up / wake up
  • the language of England
  • women's favourite activity ...
    go shopping
  • the activity you do with books
  • the unpopular afternoon activity when you have to think about school :(
    do homework
  • if you need some information quickly, you ....
    search / surf the Internet
  • your teacher's favourite activity at school :)
    have lunch
  • the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment
  • you learn about different countries, continents, space ...
  • the activity when you change your pyjamas in the morning ...
    get dressed
  • the last meal of the day
    dinner / supper
  • you contact your friend through the internet to discuss important things
    chat online
  • You need brushes, paints, paper or clay in ...
  • the language of Austria
  • you perform music with this instrument ...
    play the quitar
  • he study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information.
    IT or ICT