
My Favorite Things about Festivals

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  • I didn't finish my dinner .... I wasn't hungry
  • The cloud turns dark ... we decided to go back inside. What conjunction is suitable to complete the sentence?
  • The text describes events or information in a clear and concise manner. What text is it?
    Recount text
  • He was still angry .... I had apologized for what I had done
    though/even though/although
  • It has orientation, climax, re-orientation. What text is it?
    Narrative text
  • The text gives reasons for a point of view and try to convince others to it. What text is it?
    Exposition text
  • The text describes a place or a thing using facts. What text is it?
    Descriptive text
  • ..... I am nine, I am allowed to stay up late until 9 pm
    although/though/even though
  • The text describes and gives factual information about people, animals, things or phenomena. What text is it?
    Report text
  • The text uses imperative to tell steps of operating/creating something. What text is it?
    Procedure text