
Sprout 1 A1

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  • (Draw on zoom) Circle Kyle's house.
  • Read the sentence that matches this picture.
    Janice put her pillows under her blanket (to make it look like someone was sleeping).
  • How do you feel when you sigh? (Full sentence!)
    I feel Tired... Sad... Etc.
  • What does "Feeling absolutely miserable" mean? (Lesson 3)
    Feeling very sad :(
  • If you see a hole will you put your hand inside? Why?
  • What is different between Apple one and Apple two?
    (The colour) (The size) .........
  • Name 3 nouns.
  • Compare picture one and two.
  • Who was late for class today?
  • What does the girl do? (Lesson 1) (Full sentence!)
    She sneezes
  • What does the girl do? (Lesson 1) (Full sentence!)
    She wipes
  • How many Covid shots did you get?
    none ... one ... two
  • Who washes the dishes in your house? (Lesson 4)
  • Do you live in an apartment?
  • Can you carry an elephant?
  • What did Julie do when she saw the needle? (Lesson 2)
    She ran for the door.
  • What are you going to do when the lesson is finished? (Full sentence!)
    (When the lesson is finished) I'm going to...
  • Word for: a new teacher. (Lesson 1)