
Amazon rainforest

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  • Logging
    cutting down trees
  • Reveal
    Make previously unknown or secret information known to others.
  • Flip
    Changing to take the opposite side, opinion or situation; turn over
  • Emissions
    the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.
  • Shocking
    Surprising, appalling
  • Culprit
    The cause of a problem or defect
  • Journal
    A newspaper or magazine; a diary
  • Polluter
    A person or thing responsible for dirtying the environment with harmful or poisonous substances
  • Moniker
    A name
  • Absorb
    Take in or soak up
  • Accelerate
    Increase in amount or speed
  • Predict
    Say that something will happen in the future
  • Equivalent
    A thing that is equal to or corresponds with another in value, amount, function, meaning
  • Carbon dioxide
    gas, CO2
  • Convert
  • Emit
    produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation).