
Computer Basics

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  • Which is the fundamental basis of all other application programs and functions as an intermediary between the users and the hardware?
    The OS
  • It is responsible for the storage of programs that are currently running and also stores data temporarily.
  • It mainly stablished communication between components and transmission of information.
  • What does CPU stand for?
    Central Processing Unit
  • This software helps to load the basic program automatically as soon as the computer is started.
    Operating System
  • The computer system is simply a machine and hence it cannot perform any work; what do we need in order to make it work?
    A programming language
  • the fastest and also very expensive type of computer
  • Two computers that are pocket-friendly.
    Smartphones and tablets
  • Name three input peripheral devices
    Mouse, keyboard, microphone, scanner, camera
  • The software, which can be used on an installed operating system, is known as application software. Name three significant examples of application software.
    Office programs, web browser, antivirus program
  • Name three output peripheral devices
    Monitor, printer, speaker, projector
  • A low capacity computer developed for single users.
  • The computer of this category is a high-end and expensive one. It is exclusively made for complex work purpose.
    Workstation computer
  • Give three examples of OS
    Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
  • It is a permanent memory storage device.
    Hard disk drive
  • What does RAM stand for?
    Random Access Memory
  • It controls the computer’s functions and transmits data.
  • It displays (shows) the result.
  • Program that performs different commands given by a user.
  • What are Java, Javascript, PHP and IOS?
    Computer languages