
Tenses: simple, continuous, perfect Y7

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  • Choose the correct sentence or response: What are you up to at the moment? A) I often review films online. B) I'm reviewing films online.
    B) I'm reviewing films online.
  • What are you reading / do you read at the moment?
    are you reading
  • Choose the correct sentence or response: We didn't have time to speak to Jack for long A)When we arrived, he had left. B) When we arrived, he was leaving.
    B) When we arrived, he was leaving.
  • My dad is having / has a job at a recording studio.
  • I don't decide / haven't decided what I want to do when I finish my studies.
    haven't decided
  • Choose the correct sentence or response: This actor is often in plice thrillers. A) Yes, he's playing lots of charachters like this. B) Yes, he plays lots of characters like this.
    B) Yes, he plays lots of characters like this.
  • Krishan has written / writes a bestseller about his childhood in India.
    has written
  • Choose the correct sentence or response: I did nothing yesterday. A) I spent the entire day sleeping. B) I've spent entire day sleeping.
    A) I spent the entire day sleeping.
  • They often shoot / are shooting films in our town because it's so beautiful.
  • Choose the correct sentence or response: I'm looking forward to the next book in the series. A) I read all the others. B) I've read all the others.
    B) I've read all the others.
  • Tonight, I am going / go to a concert with my friends.
    am going