
Agreeing without using "me too" / Disagreeing

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  • I'm not going to the party. (Agree)
    Neither am I / I'm not either
  • Caroline has a cellphone. (Agree)
    So do I / I do, too.
  • I can't sing very well. (Agree)
    Neither can I / I can't either
  • I can cook anything. (Disagree)
    Really? I can't
  • I'm not a patient person. (Disagree)
    Really? I am.
  • I don't like salad. (Agree or disagree using your information)
    Neither do I; I don't either / Oh, I like it; Really? I do.
  • I live near here. (Agree or disagree using your information)
    So do I; I do, too / Oh, I don't; Really? I don't
  • I study every day. (Agree)
    So do I / I do, too
  • I'm tired of eating pizza. (Disagree)
    Really? I'm not.
  • I don't like too much noise. (Agree)
    Neither do I / I don't either
  • I'm a confident person. (Agree)
    So am I / I am, too.
  • I can play guitar. (Agree)
    So can I / I can, too.
  • I really like spicy food. (Disagree)
    Really? I don't / Oh, I don't (like it very much)
  • I'm so tired today. (Agree or disagree using your information)
    So am I; I am, too / Really? I'm not; Oh, I'm not
  • I can't whistle. (Agree or disagree using your information)
    Neither can I; I can either / Really? I can
  • I can swim. (Agree or disagree using your information)
    So can I; I can, too / Really? I can; Oh, I can
  • Will can speak Portuguese. (Answer with your own information)
    So can I / I can, too
  • Chris is a shy guy. (Agree or disagree using your information)
    So am I; I am, too / Really? I'm not; Oh, I'm not