
EB Unit 5 Page 63 Reading "An Eater's Guide to F ...

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  • Do all countries use traffic lights on labels today?
  • Should you throw away food immediately if it is past the best before date?
  • Are superfoods and "natural" foods more expensive than other food?
  • What vegetable can you see in the picture on page 63?
    Corn (Babycorn)
  • What do "superfoods" have a lot of?
  • What does the word "natural" mean when it is on a food label?
    Everything in the food is from nature.
  • Do food labels tell us everything about the food we eat?
  • What is usually bigger, the number of calories in the portion on the label or the number of calories in your normal portion size?
    the number of calories in your normal portion size
  • What does an orange traffic light on a food label mean?
    It's okay
  • Food that is labelled "low fat" often has a lot of ______ in it?