
To Be (Past/Present/Future)

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  • In a few days from today, I ............. in Italy with my husband.
    will be
  • - Where .... your mom? - She .... at work. She .... home very soon.
    is / is / will be
  • It .......... very rainy tonight, but it .......... far worse tomorrow.
    is / will be
  • - .... your name Richard? - It .... Richard before, but now it ... Rich.
    Is / was / is
  • - .... Alana your wife? - She .... my girlfriend now, but she .... my wife soon.
    Is / is / will be
  • They ..... both very tired after work. Tomorrow they .... relaxed.
    were / will be
  • On Thursday it .... September, but it .... October now.
    was / is
  • - Wait, .... is my favourite film on TV right now? - No, it .... on in an hour.
    is / will be
  • When she ..... a young girl, her dream .... to be a teacher.
    was / was
  • I .......... sad. - You can't be. You ....... happy just a few minutes ago.
    am / were
  • The weather ……. sunny now, but it …… cloudy yesterday.
    is / was
  • The party .......... next Saturday evening at Johnny's house.
    will be
  • Here, this bag .......... yours, and that one .......... Mark's. They ..... both on the floor.
    is / is / were
  • It .... a good meal. It's a shame we didn't take some home.
  • ......... Mr. Crawford in? - No, I'm sorry, he .......... here not long ago, but he .......... out now.
    Is / was / is
  • If you ........ hungry then heat up some soup.