
2.1-2.4; Vision 2

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  • Who is a good team member?
    own answers
  • Please ___________ to me – this is important. A pay attention B give an opinion C have an argument
  • He not have to / doesn’t have to hand in his homework today
    doesn't have to
  • ?
    hang out clothes to dry
  • It’s not my ___________ to clear the table – it’s yours! A argument B opinion C responsibility
  • Jesteś wielki!!!
    You're a star!!!
  • I haven’t to / don’t have to do the project – it’s optional.
    don't have to
  • Sarah............(not/have to) tidy up her room.
    doesn't have to
  • The bin is full. Someone needs to _____________________.
    take the rubbish out.
  • My friends.................(not/have to) walk the dog.
    don't have to
  • Biedactwo!
    Poor thing!
  • Nie mam nic przeciwko prasowaniu.
    I don't mind ironing.
  • verb: co-operate, adjective: ....?
  • When did you last _____________________the cat ? I think she’s really hungry!
  • My brother have to / has to take the rubbish out every week.
    has to
  • Czy mógłbyś być odpowiedzialny za....?
    Could you be responsible for....?
  • We work better when everyone ___________ with each other. A gives B cooperates C supports
  • Say 3 sentences about your household jobs.
    own answers
  • ?
    sweep the floor
  • ...........................(you/have to) help at home?
    Do you have to
  • Name the activity:
    hoover the floor
  • pull your weight
    przykładać się do pracy
  • ?
    load the dishwasher
  • coś w tym stylu
    something like that
  • verb: support, adjective:.....?
  • I’ll give you a ___________ to make sandwiches. I’m happy to help. A hand B opinion C argument
  • ścielić łóżko
    make one's bed
  • You should listen when someone ___________. A pays attention B has a common goal C gives their opinion
  • Does Mum have to / has to leave early?
    have to
  • TRANSLATE: Czy musimy nakrywać to stołu?
    Do we have to lay the table?
  • ?
    mow the grass