
Make Your Point 4 - Review

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  • What is the name of the place where someone can sleep when they have nowhere else to go?
    Homeless Shelter
  • Based on what you have learned during unit 1, what is GENTRIFICATION? Mention at least one example in João Pessoa.
    It is the phenomenon that affects a region or a neighborhood due to the dynamic change of local composition.
  • "If your mother contracted COVID19 you would regret going out so many times" Recreate the same sentence using ONLY IF at the beginning of the extract.
    Only if your mother contracted COVID19 would you regret going out so many times.
  • Do you have a good memory? Make two sentences using the idiomatic expressions DRAW A BLANK and JOG MY MEMORY. Explain them.
    Ex: Even when I prepare answers to questions, I always draw a blank in interviews. / I usually take notes to jog my memory.
  • Think about the hoarding behavior related to food and toilet paper in the world because of the coronavirus. Create a sentence about this using FIRST CONDITIONAL
    If ............. will
  • Analyze the sentence: Only if we stay home will we be able to not colapse the health service system. How does using ONLY at the beginning of the extract changes the order of the words?
    we will / will we
  • Complete: By the end of this crisis....
    By the end of this crisis....will have been...
  • Think about the World Health Organization (WHO) instructions related to washing hands and cough and create a sentence using NO MATTER WHAT.
    No matter what your symptoms are, it is important to wash your hands and cover your cough.
  • What would you expect to find in these areas of a city? BUSINESS DISTRICT / RESIDENTIAL AREA / COLLEGE CAMPUS
    Vocabulary Unit 1 page 10
  • Get 10 points and play again!
  • Think again about the hoarding behavior related to food and toilet paper in the world because of the coronavirus. Create a sentence about this using SECOND CONDITIONAL
  • Try to make guesses about another student's life.
    By the end of the quarantine...will have been...
  • Imagine you are redecorating your house. Say one sentence about what WILL HAVE BEEN done by the time it is finished.
    Use Future Perfect Passive