
Jurassic Park Graded Reader

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  • an individual who studies fossils and bones [palaeontologist | veterinarian | palaeobotanist | warden]
  • Donald Gennaro is the lawyer for [InGen/the EPA]
  • the way someone or something acts [sequence | expert | predict | behave]
  • What is the first dinosaur they see when they are riding around in the Jeep? Stegosaurus | Triceratops | Velociraptor | Brachiosaurus | Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • not related to anything [sequence | no connectiong with | complex | behave]
    no connection with
  • the remains of an animal or plant from thousand or millions of years ago that is preserved [section | sequence | amber | fossil]
  • 5. When Dodgson meets Dennis Nedry, he gives him $750,000 to get the fifteen dinosaur species off the island. What does he give him to transport the embryos in?
    a shaving cream can
  • At the dig site in Montana, what dinosaur's fossils appear on the screen?
  • What country is Isla Nubar loacted near?
    Costa Rica
  • an order in which things follow each other [sections | sequence | invest | no connection with]
  • Robert Muldoon is the shotgun carrying park [police officer | warden | surveillance officer | soldier]
  • an area on the water used to get into boats [moat | dock | fence | sections]
  • 6. Who is the mathematician that Dr. Sattler and Dr. Grant meet on the helicopter flight with John Hammond to his island?
    Ian Malcolm
  • Who is this rather fat computer expert who enjoys cola and food? [Dennis Nedry | Robert Muldoon | Bob Morris | Alan Grant]
    Dennis Nedry
  • Dennis Nedry will steal the DNA of the dinosaurs and hide them in this can. What is the name of the white substance that normally comes out of this can? [water | foam | gel | plastic]
  • $1,000,000,000 or more
  • parts of something that are dividied up into smaller ones [species | sections | sequences | dock]
  • to put money into something that will make more money [predict | invest | spend | waste]
  • If you are an expert on something, you...[know very little | know a little bit | know enough to do a job | know a lot about something]
    know a lot about something
  • I'm Dr. Ellie Stattler. What job do I have?
    A Paleobotanist
  • Who is this?
    Lex Murphy/John Hammond's granddaughter
  • When the helicopter lands, who is waiting in the trailer for Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler?
    John Hammond
  • Who is this?
    John Hammond/Owner of Jurassic Park/Billionaire
  • Bob Morris does not appear in the movie, but in the book, he is the lawyer for [the EPA/InGen]
    the EPA
  • I'm Dr. Alan Grant. What job do I have?
    A Paleontologist
  • John Hammond has a walking stick with this on the top of it. What is it called? [gold | brown | amber | dark orange]
  • an electronically scanned document that is currently being used less and less [moat | sequence | fax | fossil]
  • very difficult [complex | sequence | sections | invest]
  • In the opening scene of the movie, what are the men doing?
    trying to move a Raptor from a cage
  • to guess what will happen in the future [predict | sequence | sections]
  • This is Dr. Ian Malcolm. What job does he have?
    A Mathmetician
  • a barrier of steel/wire/wood etc used to control access to something [fence | moat | section | dock]
  • What do the men find in the mine? (one word)
  • Who is this?
    Tim Murphy/John Hammond's grandson
  • a deep hole with water surrounding a castle or other building [dock | species | moat | section]
  • In the movie, Gerry Harding is the ____________, responsible for taking care of the dinosaurs and making sure they are healthy [paleobotanist | veterinarian | palaeontologist | warden]
  • groups of living organisms [species | fossils | sections | fossils]
  • The park warden in Jurassic Park is a very skilled Englishman named [Dennis Nedry | Robert Muldoon | Allen Grant | Ray Arnold]
    Robert Muldoon