
Reading Quarter 1 Exam Review 2021 to 2022

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  • polite ways to behave: manners OR relax
  • Create an appropriate caption for this photograph.
    Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
  • flat, open areas of land: manners OR plains
  • Where did Aunt Fern invite Wallace and the cowboys?
    a barbecue cookout
  • What charged into the barbecue cookout?
  • stories that have MADE-UP characters and events
  • What page is information about penguin eggs found?
  • Good fluency means that I sound like a ROBOT when I read.
  • print that is darker than the surrounding words to show importance
    bold print
  • Which word is in bold print?
  • It was a windy day, so...
    Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
  • a few words that tell what a paragraph, section or chapter will be about
  • Who scared the cows away?
    Wallace Bleff
  • Create an appropriate caption for this photograph.
    Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
  • The cause is __________ something happens.
  • to have fun and not think about difficult things: captured OR relax
  • REAL books that tell, inform, teach, and explain
  • took something or someone (past tense): plains OR captured
  • located at the back of the book, it tells the page number that certain words can be found on
  • What is the CAUSE? HINT: What happened first?
    because we needed food.
  • Create an appropriate caption for this photograph.
    Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
  • Select all of the nonfiction text features / characteristics of nonfiction: HINT: There are four of them.
    The teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
  • Good fluency means that I read not TOO fast and not TOO slow.
  • Create an appropriate caption for this photograph.
    Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
  • What is the CAUSE? HINT: What happened first?
    It was my birthday,
  • What is "graze"?
    to feed on plants or grass
  • On what page(s) can I find the word "adult"?
  • What is the EFFECT? HINT: The EFFECT is what happens as a result of the cause.
    Lou was very quiet
  • Good fluency means that I follow most or all of the PUNCTUATION marks as I read the text.
  • located at the back of the book, it is a list of important words from the book with their meanings
  • Who captured Wallace?
  • What is the EFFECT? HINT: The EFFECT is what happens as a result of the cause.
    so he called a tow truck.
  • Select ALL the sequencing words. HINT: There are five in total.
    Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
  • Good fluency means that I read the words CORRECTLY.
  • The effect is __________ happened.
  • My dog was barking all night, so....
    Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.