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  • something which is being developed/prepared/produced ( to be released soonish)
    in the pipeline
  • to be angry or bitter and unable to get over it
    have a chip on your shoulder
  • have your revenge
    get your own back
  • close encounter with danger, something terrible almost happened
    a close call
  • Likely to become successful, has a lot of promise
    up and coming
  • to argue about something for a long length of time without a resolution or making any progress
    go round in circles
  • to take a position of lesser importance , maybe because you are going to retire shortly or have had lots of responsibility for a long time
    take a back seat
  • accuse
    point the finger at someone
  • using the most modern techniques and latest in technology
    state of the art
  • confess to something
    to come clean
  • something different, refreshing which is enjoyed by everyone
    a breath of fresh air
  • make or do something without any tools or machinery
    with your bare hands
  • do something properly, according to rules, regulations and guidelines
    (do something ) by the book
  • to stop or give up doing something because you want to prevent further losses, damageor dissapointment
    cut your losses
  • listillo
    smart Alec smartass
  • to plan something again from the very beggining
    go back to the drawing board
  • unable to understand, control, manage a siutation , maybe due to lack of experience or ability
    to be out of your depth
  • be useful in the future
    come in handy
  • a punto de about to
    on the point of on the verge of
  • do something very bad without punishment
    get away with murder
  • expected or likely to happen soon
    On the horizon
  • begin to understand or cope with something difficult, like a new job or new software (pilar el trucillo???)
    get to grips with
  • something which is extremely difficult to stop once it starts, often ending very badly
    a slippery slope
  • talk about work in your free time
    to talk shop