
the Celts

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  • Samhain
    The Celts had a holiday in the end of summer. It's called Samain. Now it's Halloween.
  • red
    The Celts had red hair.
  • torc
    The Celts wore a torc.
  • 20
    People learnt for 20 years to become a Druid.
  • the Iron Age
    The Celts came to Britain in the Iron Age.
  • roundhouse
    The Celts built roundhouses.
  • bard
    Brads were popular. They made music and told stories.
  • gold
    The Celts were rich. Julius Caesar wanted to take contol of their land.
  • Lindow man
    Lindow man is a bog body. This man was killed by Druids for religious reasons.
  • women
    Celtic women had more freedom and even could be warriors.
  • words
    Some of Celtic words are used in English today (slogan/trousers).
  • carnyx
    The Celts played the carnyx.