
Sponge bob and Unit 1 review

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  • measure is
    to find out the sixe/weight of an object
  • What does "to enable" mean?
    to allow
  • what is evidence
    information that can prove something
  • The amount / network helps to keep people in contact.
    The network helps to keep people in contact
  • Requiring body strength
  • Complete the sentences using the correct future form of the verbs in brackets. (snow) I think it __________________ later in the week.
    I think it will snow later in the week
  • What kinds of mental games do you know?
    Chess, cards
  • who are conservationists?
    People that are working to save the planet
  • 4 Crowdsourcing / Evidence shows that the structure of the building was weak.
    Evidence shows that the structure of the building was weak
  • process is
    the steps by which something is created
  • What is peak performance?
    When you act at the best of your abilities
  • What is a good cause?
    an organization that is doing something to help people
  • Is a sport a boundary?
  • What is endurance?
    Ability to do an activity for a long time
  • Someone you want to defeat. Your enemy
  • expand is
    Make bigger
  • A boundary is...
    a border
  • Rewrite with emphasis: Caroline really likes swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. The place...
    The place where Caroline likes to swim is the Atlantic Ocean.
  • upload vs update ? What's the difference
    Upload is to put online, Update is to renew
  • The place / I / love / the mountains. / where / walking / is /
    The place where I love walking is the mountains
  • Something that separates two things
  • You have decided to do something. nothing can change your mind
  • what is crowdsourcing ?
    to invite many people to help a good cause
  • Rewrite the statements and questions as embedded clauses. Take off your muddy boots. Dad told me __________________________________________________________.
    Dad told me to take off my muddy boots
  • What does obstacle mean?
    Something that is in your way
  • Donate means
    to give money to a good cause
  • A disaster in the mountains
  • Complete the sentences using the correct future form of the verbs in brackets. (move) By summer, we __________________ to a new house.
    By summer we will have moved to a new house.
  • Requiring brain power
  • Future form: 3 (listen) This time tomorrow I __________________ to their new album.
    3 (listen) This time tomorrow I will be listening to their new album.
  • Rewrite as an embedded phrase: Is it a mental or a physical challenge? I wonder if ___________________________________________________________.
    I wonder if it is a mental or a physical challenge
  • To go farther than your limits
    Push yourself
  • Correct the mistakes: Nowadays, almost fifty per cent the world’s population is online.
    Nowadays, almost fifty percent of the world’s population is online.
  • What is a limb?
    a part of your body such as arms and legs
  • something incredible and amazing
  • Someone you want to be like
  • What does overcome mean?
    to win over, to resolve
  • 1 Is rock-climbing a hazardous sport?
  • What kinds of physical games do you know?
  • Who is Cory Richards?
    Adventurer, Photographer
  • something that is too far away, you can't touch it
  • what is to volunteer?
    Volunteer is to offer your time to a good cause
  • Create a sentence with the word generate
    The experiment showed that we needed more power to generate electricity.
  • What is a network?
    A way to keep connected
  • How can a person overcome their fears?
    They can face them
  • 5 footballer / really / me / is / become / my dad. / inspired / The person / who / to / a
    The person who really inspired me to become a footballer is my dad
  • For embedded clauses, if we want to make form a command what do we do?
    we add TO. ex. He told me TO wash my hair
  • what is an event?
    an organized occasion such as a sporting competition
  • 6 We’re going to __________ our humanitarian efforts in that area.
    We’re going to expand our humanitarian efforts in that area.
  • Gain through hard work and determination
  • Dangerous
  • 5 a / I / with / have / presented / been / will / Award./ Global Achievement ________________________________________________________________
    I will have been presented with a Global Achievement Award
  • generate