
Unit 0

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  • Charades time
  • Name all days of the week.
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
  • This or ?
    those, these, that, this
  • Tell the dates: January 8, 1788; September 1, 2001; October 20, 1990.
    The 8th of January, seventeen eighty-eight, etc.
  • Write using letters on the board: 98, 178, 5209, 20
    ninety-eight; one hundred seventy-eight, five thousand two hundred and nine, twenty
  • 1 woman – 2 ________ (man, child, watch, skateboard)
    women, men, children, watches, skateboards
  • Tell the time
    It is 14 minutes to 2. It is 25 minutes past 7. It is 5 minutes past 6. It is a quarter past 12.
  • Name 10 countries.
    The USA, The UK, Belarus, Poland, Turkey, Germany, Spain, Scotland, China, Japan
  • Tell about your family members (3).
    My mother's name is Natasha, she's 50 years old. My father is Vitaly, he's 49 years old. I've got a sister, Nastya and she's 29 years old.
  • Describe your room (10).
    There is a window above the bed. The bed is next to the window. There is a battery under the window.
  • Name 10 nationalities.
    American, British, Belarusian, Polish, Turkish, German, Spanish, Scottish, Chinese, Japanese
  • Name 10 colours.
    grey, orange, black, pink, purple, yellow, brown, white, blue, red
  • Name 10 family members.
    mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandmother
  • Name 5 teacher commands
    think, speak, read, write, listen
  • Saturday and Sunday are ________ .
  • Find a mistake: We group is Focus 1.
    Our group is Focus 1.
  • Describe the room (10)
    There is a window above the bed. The bed is next to the window. There is a box under the bed, etc.
  • Name 5 things your teammates can do.
    Danik can drive a car and a bike, Masha can play the piano, Lesha can run, Polina can sew
  • Name 5 things your teammates can't do.
    Polina can't sing, Masha can't play the guitar, Lesha can't drive a car, Lera can't swim, Danik can't dance
  • Name 10 gadgets.
    laptop, phone, flash drive, digital camera, CD player, MP3 player, tablet, e-book reader, games console, mobile phone, smartphone
  • What is the name of the country?
    The USA / The US / The United States (of America)
  • Tell what you have got in your bag (5).
    I have got a phone, a book, a notebook, keys, wallet, etc.
  • What is his nationality?
    He is British.