
Verb patterns

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  • I only stopped ... (have) a rest once during the whole marathon.
    to have
  • I'd better ... (go) - it's late. I'd rather ... (stay) here, though.
    go, stay
  • Dieting usually means ... (give) up things you enjoy.
  • I'm learning English ... (help) me ... (get) a better job.
    to help, get/to get
  • She decided ... (wait) until dark.
    to wait
  • This house needs ... (do) up. It hasn't been painted for ages.
  • I can't help ... (smile) when I see my dad playing tennis. He still hasn't learnt ... (hit) the ball properly.
    smiling, to hit
  • Our teacher makes us ... (check) our homework.
  • If you can't sleep, try ... (read) a book in bed. It's very relaxing.
  • Do you remember ... (climb) the tree in our parents' garden when we were children?
  • If you don't take safety precautions, you risk ... (have) an accident.
  • I remember ... (come) here when I was young.
  • They've promised ... (take) me windsurfing as soon as I've finished ... (study).
    to take, studying
  • Try ... (rest) for a while: you might feel better then.
  • I refuse ... (have) the neighbour's cat here in my house.
    to have
  • At first my parents refused ... (let) me ... (go) to karate lessons, but I kept ... (ask) and eventually they agreed,
    to let, go, asking
  • Some footballers go on ... (play) professionally until they're nearly 40.
  • She's very possessive. She doesn't let him ... (go) out with his friends any more.
  • There appeared ... (be) no one in the house.
    to be
  • Don't forget ... (phone) me if you need any help.
    to phone
  • ... (give) up chocolate is a good idea, but if you intend ... (lose) 10 kilos, you'll have to do more than that!
    giving, to lose
  • Paul seems ... (enjoy) playing golf. He's even considering ... (buy) his own set of clubs.
    to enjoy, buying
  • Dominance of the left hemisphere enables left-handers ... (be) better at 3D perception.
    to be
  • When I suggested ... (go) skiing at the weekend she was extremely enthusiastic and we arranged ... (meet) on Saturday morning.
    going, to meet
  • Alan tried ... (stop) the thief as she ran away.
    to stop
  • Left-handers tend ... (choose) creative professions.
    to choose
  • I don't remember ... (see) Jim at the party.
  • Have you finished ... (clean) the room?
  • It's raining. There's no point ... (go) for a walk.
  • I was surprised ... (hear) she'd failed her exam.
    to hear
  • I find ... (shop) for clothes really boring.
  • ... (read) in the car makes me feel sick.
  • Amy didn't deserve ... (lose) the match, because she's much better at ... (play) than her opponent.
    to lose, playing
  • Rafa Nadal keeps ... (win) because he is naturally left-handed.
  • We need ... (call) a plumber. The shower needs ... (repair).
    to call, repairing
  • I remembered ... (buy) the milk, but I forgot the bread.
    to buy
  • He's considering ... (change) his course of studies.
  • I'll never forget ... (spend) a romantic weekend in Paris with my first boyfriend.
  • Remember ... (drink) water before the race.
    to drink
  • I would rather ... (go) on walking holidays than ... (lie) on a crowded beach.
    go, lie
  • My flat is easy ... (find).
    to find
  • We must remember ... (feed) the cat.
    to feed
  • After a successful career as a football player, Johan Cruyff went on ... (become) a respected manager.
    to become
  • I can't bear people ... (shout) at me.
  • I've stopped ... (smoke); it's too expensive.
  • My job enables me ... (use) my language skills.
    to use
  • ... (travel) alone in a strange country can be a fascinating experience.
  • He stayed in the shade ... (avoid) ... (get) sunburnt.
    to avoid getting
  • He obviously didn't mean ... (shoot) himself in the foot.
    to shoot
  • I can't stand ... (be) ill.
  • I need ... (get) some new shoes.
    to get
  • Peter suggested ... (go) for a picnic.
  • My sister is trying ... (find) a new job.
    to find
  • I meant ... (phone) the electrician but I forgot.
    to phone
  • Kim expects ... (receive) the results by Friday.
    to receive
  • Let's stop ... (buy) some sweets on the way home.
    to buy
  • He promised not ... (tell) anyone what she'd said.
    to tell
  • I prefer ... (eat) out to ... (have) to cook and wash up.
    eating, having
  • I'd prefer ... (read) a good book now rather than ... (watch) that silly film.
    to read, watch
  • That shirt needs ... (iron) if you're planning to wear it tonight.
  • I'm not very good at ... (make) things.