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  • Estuaries
    Body of water in which freshwater from the river meets and mixes with salt water from the ocean. (The ocean’s nurseries)
  • Stewardship
    Humans should use the water in a way the pr
  • Upwelling
    The flow of cold nutrient-rich water from the bottom of the ocean to the surface waters.
  • Commensalism
    A symbiotic relationship where one species benefits without harming the other species.
  • Universal Solvent
    As water passes through the water cycle it dissolves minerals and gasses and carries them to the oceans.
  • Hydrosphere
    All of the water found on, above, and under the Earth’s surface.
  • pH
    (Power of Hydrogen ) Measurement of acid in the water, how acidic or basic the water is.
  • Turbidity
    Clarity of the water system, or many solid particles are in the water.
  • Salinity
    The amount of salt in a given amount of water. Measured in PPT (parts per thousand) River has .5 ppt and ocean water is between 32 and 37 ppt.
  • Ocean Basin
    The part of Earth’s surface that is covered with ocean (salt) water.
  • Biotic
    Living factors of an ecosystem.
  • Adhesion
    When molecules of different types are drawn together.
  • Decomposers
    An organism that gains energy from breaking down the remains of dead organisms and waste of living things.
  • Population
    All the organisms of a species that LIVE in the same area and are competing for resources (food, water, shelter).
  • Ecosystems
    All living and nonliving parts of an environment as well as all interactions among them.
  • Autotrophs
    All producers are called autotrophs. (Including algae, plants, some bacteria)
  • Glacier
    Mass of ice and snow that moves slowly over the Earth’s surface. (2.15% of global fresh water)
  • Pollutant
    Any substance that has a negative effect on the ecosystem.
  • Community
    All populations that live in a set area during the same time period. (Example, deer, raccoons, bears, turtles, snakes, fish, insects all living in a forest area
  • Watersheds
    Areas of land that drains into a stream, river, lake or other body of water
  • Species
    A group of organisms that share most characteristics and can reproduce offspring.
  • Surface Tension
    The tightness across the water molecules pulling together. (Water has the highest surface tension of all liquids)
  • Aquifer
    Large stores of fresh water in soil and rock below the Earth’s surfac
  • Non-Point Pollution
    Pollution without a single identifiable source.
  • Infiltration
    Water on the ground enters and permeates through the soil.
  • Parasitism
    A symbiotic relationship between a parasite and a host. One species benefits while another species is harmed
  • Algal Bloom
    Extremely rapid growth of algae in a water ecosystem caused by nutrients (nitrates and phosphates).
  • Heterotrophs
    All animals that are consumers of other organisms.
  • Zooplankton
    Microscopic organisms in the water.
  • Symbiosis
    A close relationship between two different species living together. The three types are mutualism, commensalism and parasitism.
  • Groundwater
    Water below the Earth’s surface. (.62% of global fresh water
  • Cohesion
    When one molecules of one type are drawn to each other.
  • Abiotic
    All nonliving parts of an ecosystem, such as light, weather, soil and water
  • Fresh Water
    Water that is not salty (saline).
  • Hydrological Cycle
    The movement of water from the Earth into the air and back to the Earth
  • Runoff
    Water that flows over the land to rivers, lakes and oceans.
  • Point Source Pollution
    Pollution that does come from a single identifiable source.
  • Bioindicator
    Organisms used to measure the health of an ecosystem.