
Chapter 3 Equivalence and Relevance

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  • A translation method that may helpfully be seen in terms of its counterpart – formal equivalence, this is the definition from?
    Formal equivalence
  • "The guidelines of translation that intends to achieve equivalence between original text and translation text" is the definition of?
    Formal equivalence
  • Translate into bahasa "You roll around in these coins and any that stick to you will be yours "
    Kamu berguling-guling diatas koin-koin ini dan apa pun yang menempel pada mu akan menjadi milik mu
  • Translate into english "tapi kamu basah kuyup karena aku"
    but you're drenched because of me
  • What is dynamic equivalence?
    Dynamic equivalence is defined as the “quality of a translation in which the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language
  • Mention 3 of the translation process!!
    - Analysis, transfer, and restructuting.
  • Translate into english " Di sisi lain, sang istri memperlakukan anaknya dengan sangat buruk"
    On the other hand, the wife treaded her step daughter very poorly.
  • Translate this "then snow white spotted a small light up on a small hill"
    kemudian putri salju melihat cahaya kecil di atas bukit kecil
  • Translate into Indonesia "instead of gold and silver coins there were bees and bats inside. The bees sting the lazy girl in such away"
    "Alih-alih koin emas dan perak, ada lebah dan kelelawar di dalamnya. Lebah menyengat gadis pemalas sedemikian rupa"
  • Translate into bahasa "the dilegent girl took the handful of mud near her and patch all the cracks on the hearth"
    Gadis rajin mengambil segenggam lumpur di dekatnya dan menambal semua retakan di perapian
  • Translate into english "ketika hari sudah gelap dia menemukan sebuah rumah yang indah"
    when it got dark she came across a beautiful house
  • Translate into good english "She cleaned all the dry branches of the tree until her palms was bruised and water the roots with her own drinking"
    Dia membersihkan semua dahan pohon yang kering sampai telapak tangannya memar dan menyirami akarnya dengan minumnya sendiri
  • what is the processing principle proposed by Levy´ as part of the decision-making process characteristic of each translation?
  • what is defenition of kernels?
    Kernels are basic structural elements to which syntactically more elaborate surface structures of a language can be reduced.
  • Translate into bahasa " My father taught me to always follow my duty,for as long as I worked here,my duty was to obey you".
    Ayahku mengajariku supaya selalu mengikuti tugasku,selama aku bekerja disini tugasku adalah memenuhi kata-kata kalian
  • The kernel consists of a combination of items from four basic semantic categories, mention only one of the four categories.
    object words  event words  abstracts  relationals
  • Translate into english "setelah beberapa saat seekor domba yang cantik muncul tetapi domba itu hitam seperti batu bara".
    " after a while a lovely lamb appeared but the lamb was black like coal"
  • Translate into english "the queen order me to get rid of you"
    ratu memerintahkan saya untuk menyingkirkanmu
  • Translate into english kemudian, putri salju melihat cahaya kecil di atas bukit kecil
    Then, snow white spotted a small light up on a small hill
  • What has become one of the key words in translation studies?