
What's the bunny feeling?

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  • Flick off – flecks feet as they hop away
    upset with you
  • Licking/grooming – licks your clothes
    love and trust, care about you
  • Run away and hide – suddenly runny away to hide
    spooked or scared
  • Growling
    angry or warning you
  • Purring – softly grinding teeth together and vibrating
    calm, relaxed, safe
  • Lethargy – less energy than usual
  • Not looking after self – dull coat with mats or tangles
    depressed or sad
  • Loafing – fluffs up into a ball (looking like a loaf of bread)
  • Periscoping – up on back legs to get a better view
  • Little interest in food – not eating like they normally do
    sad or sick
  • How does this rabbit feel? Binky – jumping
    very happy
  • Circling your feet – running circles around you
    excitement or love
  • Zoom – racing around in circles
    happy or excited
  • Honking – soft noise
    expecting a treat/happy to see you
  • Cold shoulder – sitting with their butt facing you
    holding a grudge/unhappy
  • Sprawling out – head resting on their paws
  • Flopping – thrown themselves onto the side and sleep
  • Laying next to you – flops or sprawls next to you 
    trust you
  • Digging - digging their feet into you
    looking for attention or a treat
  • Sneaking forward – tiptoeing slowly with ears forward
  • Nose wiggle – wiggle their nose fast or scan the ground smelling
  • Ears flat and tight to the body
    anxious or stressed
  • Thumping – thumping their legs against the ground
    disapproval or warning you
  • Swiping - tail up and ears back with raised head
  • Chinning - rubbing their chin on you
    claiming you as a friend
  • Alert – ears forward and staring
    worried, anxious