
Level 3 Islamic Studies

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  • In those days, What was the sign of acceptance of the sacrifice?
    Allah swt sent a firestorm to take away the sacrifice.
  • What did Habil give for sacrifice?
    He brought best of his livestock.
  • Angels worship Allah swt day night and they never get________?
  • How did Qabil know what to do with his brother's dead body?
    Allah sent a crow that scratched the ground.
  • What is the duty of angels?
    To worship, serve Allah swt
  • Qabil's _______ and _________grew and grew till he decided to kill his brother.
    Anger and jealousy
  • Allah swt says: if anyone kill a person it is as he has killed all of the _________.
  • How did Qabil earn his livelihood?
    He was a farmer.
  • What is the duty of Malakul Mawt?
    To take soul from the body at the time of death?
  • Name the two sons of Adam (as).
    Habil and Qabil
  • Allah swt is the provider, what name of Allah swt does show this attribute?
    Ar Razzaq
  • Why did Adam (as) ask his sons to make sacrifice?
    In order to thank Allah swt for all the blessings they had.
  • Which angel will blow the trumpet?
    Israfil (a)
  • What does As Samad Means?
    The Independent
  • What does Al Qadir mean?
    The All powerful
  • what name of Allah swt means He is "The creator"?
    Al Khaliq
  • Angels were created before _______.
    Adam (a)
  • "Allah swt answers our duas". What name of Allah swt comes to your mind?
    Al Mujib
  • Angels are created from__________.
  • Which angel has the highest position among all the angels?
    Jibril (A)
  • What is the duty of Israfil (a)?
    To control the rain and food.