
Hailey's vocabulary from Lessons 4,5, & 6

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  • Information
    knowledge about someone or something
  • to domesticate
    to breed or train (an animal) to need and accept the care of human beings
  • dissect
    to cut (a plant or dead animal) into separate parts in order to study it
  • territory
    an area that an animal or group of animals uses and defends
  • motivate
    to give (someone) a reason for doing something
  • interpret
    to understand (something) in a specific way
  • to evolve
    to change or develop slowly
  • avoid
    to stay away from (someone or something)
  • located
    to say something or someone is in a place
  • complained
    to say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, or that you do not like something
  • tame
    not wild : trained to obey people
  • result
    something that is caused by something else that happened or was done before
  • to resemble
    to look or be like
  • characteristic
    a special quality or trait that makes a person, thing, or group different from others
  • companion
    a person or animal you spend time with or enjoy being with
  • permission
    the right or ability to do something that is given by someone who has the power to decide if it will be allowed
  • squeamish
    having a sick feeling in the stomach
  • research
    careful study that is done to find and report new knowledge about something
  • anteater
    an animal that has a very long nose and tongue and eats ants
  • bait
    something (such as a piece of food) that is used to attract fish or animals so they can be caught
  • array
    a large group or number of things
  • to judge
    to form an opinion about
  • estimated
    a guess that you make based on the information you have
  • common
    occurring or appearing frequently : not rare
  • focus
    to direct your attention or effort at something specific
  • to state
    to express (something) formally in speech or writing
  • diverse
    different from each other
  • imply
    to express (something) without saying it
  • contain
    to have (something) inside
  • laboratory
    a room or building with special equipment for doing scientific experiments and tests
  • species
    a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants
  • assignment
    a job or duty that is given to someone
  • assistance
    the act of helping or assisting someone : help or support
  • packed
    filled with a large amount of something