
Guess the country

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  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Parthenon - Athens, Greece
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Taj Mahal, India
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Sydney Opera House, Australia
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    The White House - Washington D.C, U.S
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Big Ben - London, England
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Eiffel Tower - Paris, France
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Twin Tower Petronas - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Buckingham Palace - London, the U.K
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Red Square - Moscow, Russia
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Landmark 81, Vietnam
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Statue of Liberty - New York, USA
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    Reunification/Independence Palace - HCMC, Vietnam
  • Guess the name of the building and the country
    The Great Pyramid - Egypt