
Ancient Egypt Pharaohs

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  • Pharaoh Ramses became the captain of _____ at age 10
    He became the captain of the Egyptian army
  • The New Kingdom was also known as what?
    It was also known as Egypt's golden age
  • What did the early Pharaohs set up during the Old Kingdom?
    A strong central government
  • When did Pharaoh Senusret I rule?
    He ruled during the Middle Kingdom
  • The Middle Kingdom is known as the period of ________?
    The period of reunification
  • What is Hatshepsut best known for?
    She is best known for trading with other countries and spreading Egyptian infuence to other lands 
  • What is Pharaoh Khufu best known for?
    He is best known for building the Great Pyramid at Giza
  • During the Middle Kingdom, the Egyptians had great advances in what?
    In literature, art and architecture
  • In which Kingdom did the Pharaohs power reach its height?
    In the new Kingdom, the Pharaohs increased trade and built gigantic monuments
  • What did the early Pharaohs build during the Old Kingdom?
    Pyramids for their tombs
  • Which kingdom was Pharaoh Khufu from?
    He was from the Old Kingdom
  • What was life like during the golden age?
    It was a time of peace and stability
  • What was the name of one of Egypt's first female Pharaohs?
  • What are the names of the three kingdoms?
    The Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom
  • What did crafts people use to make beautiful jewelry?
    Gold, copper and gems
  • What was the Old Kingdom best known for?
    It was known as the age of pyramids
  • The Middle period cam after years of _______?
    Years of chaos!