
True or False Brain Teasers

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  • Teddybears came from a factory in a town called Teddy, whose owner loved bears.
    False - Teddybears came from President 'Teddy' Roosevelt's hunting trip. His assistants tied up a bear t!!! He refused and saved the bear!
  • The population of Sweden is 7,777,777.
    False - it's a much more normal 10,230,000
  • More people live in Russia than in Bangladesh.
    False - it's the other way around.
  • Harvard University is the oldest university in the world.
    False - not even close. It's a baby (1636). The oldest (859) is University of Al Quaraouiyine in Morocco.
  • Cleopatra lived closer to Pizza Hut than the time of the great pyramids.
    True - she lived 2000 years before Pizza Hut and 2500 years after the last pyramid was built.
  • A bear from Poland fought in the Second World War and became an officer
    True -
  • An octopus has five hearts
    False - they have 3!
  • Female turkeys can have babies by themselves!!!
    True - it's called Parthenogenesis
  • People in a town in England thought a chimpanzee was a French spy and arrested him.
    True/False! Who knows? It's a great story!
  • Wombat poop is cubed.
    True - it dries into cubes in their colons.
  • Honey never becomes rotten.
    True - 5000 year old honey is still scrum diddly tasty.
  • You swallow eight spiders a year while sleeping
    False - humans with their mouth open snore and scare spiders away!
  • The United States once lost a nuclear bomb
    True - off the coast of Georgia
  • Walt Disney is frozen in ice!
    False - just false!
  • Aphids are born pregnant
    True - that's disgusting!
  • There are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way galaxy
    True - there are some 400 billion stars, but about 3 trillion trees.