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  • too heavy = __________ enough
    too heavy = not thin / light enough
  • I am short. I can't touch the picture.
    I am not tall enough to touch the picture.
  • Tom is strong. Tom can carry the books.
    Tom is strong enough to carry the books.
  • The weather is warm. May can go swimming.
    The weather is warm enough for May to go swimming.
  • He is too young to do the job.= He is __________ enough to ___________.
    He is not old enough to do the job.
  • The child is old. The child can go to school.
    The child is old enough to go to school.
  • The pants are so small that Mary can't wear them. = The pants  __________ enough for  __________.
    The pants are not big enough for Mary to wear.
  • She studied hard last night. She got good grades.
    She studied hard enough last night to get good grades.
  • too hungry = ___________ enough
    too hungry = not full enough
  • too expensive = ______________enough
    too expensive = not cheap enough
  • Kevin did so badly that he couldn't win the game.= Kevin __________ enough to __________.
    Kevin didn't do well enough to win the game.
  • The desk is too big for me to carry.= The desk is __________enough for ___________.
    The desk is not small enough for me to carry.
  • I ran so slowly that I can't win the game. = I __________ enough to __________.
    I didn't run quickly / fast enough to win the game.
  • The river is dirty. You can't swim in the river.
    The river is not clean enough to swim in.
  • too weak = __________ enough
    too weak = not strong enough
  • Mary is tall. Mary can get the book by herself.
    Mary is tall enough to get the book by herself.