
Class preparation checking!

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  • Mimic one of your words to your partner in 10 seconds
    Your answer (If your partner guesses correctly, you get the point)
  • Can you turn one of your words into an adjective?
    You can use these suffixes -able -ible - al -ial -ical -ant - ent -ary -ful -full -ic -ive -ious -ous -less -y -like -ish -ile -an -ian -ing -ed
  • Did you find a word that's a verb?
    Your answer
  • Did you find a word that's a noun? Can you turn one of your words into a noun?
    You can use these suffixes -an -ent -ee -er -or -ism -ist -ment -ness -sion -tion -ship -ity -ing
  • What's the most difficult to pronounce word in your list?
    Your answer
  • What's the longest word you found?
    Your answer
  • Show the IPA of one of your words.
    Your answer
  • Use all of your words in one example.
    Your answer
  • Tell all your words to your partner: What is one word that your partner already knows?
    Your answer
  • What's the shortest word in your list?
    Your answer
  • Did you find a word that's an adverb? Can you turn one of your words into an adverb?
    They often end in -ly
  • Which of the words you found can be a verb and a noun?
    Your answer
  • Share your screen with all your words.
    If your chart is complete, you get the point.
  • Spell one of your words to your partner
    Your answer