
Prepare b2 phrasal verbs

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  • Distribute something to people
    Give out
  • Eat only one type of food
    Live on
  • Understand something
    Figure out
  • Do an activity with others
    Join in
  • Decide to do something later
    Put off
  • Write something so you won't forget it
    Note down
  • Try to get or achieve something
    Go for
  • Remain while others leave
    Stay behind
  • Become less hot
    Cool down
  • Do something to see if you like it
    Try out
  • Give written work to a teacher
    Hand in
  • Food stops being good, it can't be eaten
    Go off
  • Stop eating or drinking something especially for health reasons
    Cut out
  • Become full you can't eat more after eating before a meal
    Fill up on
  • Finish classes at the end of term
    Break up
  • Make food hot to eat it
    Heat up
  • Be accepted into a group or team
    Get in
  • Say the words of the text aloud
    Read out
  • To eat in a restaurant
    Eat out
  • Eat all the food you have been given
    Eat up
  • Make progress
    Get on