
Workbook Game

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  • Tom / watch Netflix? (present continuous)
    Is Tom watching Netflix?
  • Last night / they / be / at home. (simple past)
    Last night they were at home.
  • My sister hates ________ judo. She prefers jiu-jitsu.
  • Orlando is quieter than New York. (noisy)
    New York is noisier than Orlando.
  • She / not play/ tennis / with my brother (simple past)
    She didn't play tennis with my brother.
  • you / have a nice weekend (simple past)
    Did you have a nice weekend?
  • History is easier than Maths. (difficult)
    Maths is more difficult than History.
  • Where / Samantha / go? (present continuous)
    Where is Samantha going?
  • Chris Hemsworth is younger than Tom Cruise. (old)
    Tom Cruise is older than Chris Hemsworth.
  • Joe and Ken enjoy ________ rugby.
  • I / get up late / yesterday (simple past)
    I got up late yesterday.
  • My uncles likes _______ parkour.
  • London is cheaper than São Paulo. (expensive)
    São Paulo is more expensive than London.
  • I love _____ swimming!
  • Harry and Leo / not do / their homework (present continuous)
    Harry and Leo aren't doing their homework.
  • The library is older than the theatre. (modern)
    The theatre is more modern than the library.
  • Your parents / have lunch?
    Are your parents having lunch?
  • The Hunger Games is better than Harry Potter. (bad)
    Harry Potter is worse than the Hunger Games.
  • My father / cook / carrots and potatoes / for dinner/ (simple past)
    My father cooked carrots and potatoes for dinner.
  • Anna / take a shower? (present continuous)
    Is Anna taking a shower?
  • I / drink / much water / last night; (simple past)
    I drank much water last night.