
Remembering how we read music

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  • How many musical notes we have studied?
    7 (Dó, Ré, Mi, Fá, Sol, Lá, Si)
  • Which note is this?
  • What does this symbol mean?
    This is a rest, it means that we have to make silence
  • Which note is this?
  • How do we call the note that lasts two beats?
    Half note (mínima)
  • Which note is this?
  • How do we call this note and how long does it last?
    This the eighth note and it lasts half a beat
  • How do we call the set of five lines and four spaces on which notes are written? Answer in portuguese
    Pentagrama ou pauta (staff)
  • How does the treble clef (clave de sol) help us to know which note is in each line or space?
    The clef begins in the second line showing us that in this line we can found note Sol (G)
  • How do we call the note that lasts one beat?
    Quarter note (semínima)
  • How do we call the note that lasts four beats?
    Whole note (semibreve)