
The 5 Kingdoms

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  • Name three reasons why animals interact
    Move for food (or hunt), to find shelter (cover) and scape from predators.
  • Unicellular and NO defined nucleus. Which kingdom is it?
  • Type of relationship: A fungus and a tree
    Interspecific-symbiosis (tree gets the nutrients better from fungus and the fungus gets from the tree what it needs to develop)
  • Name the kingdoms that have cells with no define nucleus.
  • True or false. Viruses are living things?
    False. They do not perform the vital functions of nutrition and interaction.
  • Type of relationship: A lion is eating a zebra.
  • Unicellular, defined nucleus and feed on other living things. Which kingdom is it?
    Protista (protozoa)
  • A group of many living things of the same species living together makes up a __________.
  • Which bacteria eats other living things?
  • Name the 4 kingdoms that have cells with a define nucleus.
    Plant, alga, protista, animal, and fungus.
  • Name the interspecific relationships
    Predation, parasitism, mutualism and symbiosis.
  • Type of relationship: Relation between two organisms where they need one each other to survive.
  • Multicellular, defined nucleus and make their own food. Which kingdom is it?
  • Type of relationship: clown fish that lives in an anemona.
  • Unicellular or multicellular, defined nucleus and make their own food. Which kingdom is it?
  • Multicellular, defined nucleus and feed on other living thing. Which kingdom is it?
  • Type of relationship: Relation beneficial for both organisms
  • A turtle is an example of individual, population or community?
    Individual (one turtle)
  • Name two ways in which plants can reproduce.
    From seeds and from a piece of the same plant.
  • Is yeast an unicellular or multicellular funfus?
  • Name the kingdoms that feed on the remains of other living things.
  • Name the kingdoms that make their own food.
    Plant, alga and some bacterias.
  • Name the three intraspecific relationships
    Reproduction, feeding and protection.
  • Corals are an example of individual, population or community?
    Population (many corals together)
  • Name 2 kingdoms that don´t have tissues or organs.
    Alga and fungus
  • Are moulds unicellular or multicellular fungus?
  • Name the 5 kingdoms in which we can classify living things.
    Plant, animal, alga, protista, bacteria and fungi.
  • Type of relationship: A flock of sheeps in the field
  • Which bacteria produces their own food?
  • Different populations from all of the kingdoms that live in the same place form a ____________
  • Type of relationship: A bird eating fleas and a ticks from the cows body.
  • Which is the simplest organism on earth?
  • A reef is an example of individual, population or community?
    Community (coral, fishes, jellyfish...)
  • Name the kingdom that reproduces by spores.
  • Type of relationship: A flea on a dog
  • Name the kingdoms that eat other living thing.
    Animal, protista and some bacterias.
  • Type of relationship: A pack of woolf hunting together
  • Unicellular or multicellular, defined nucleus and feed on the remains of other living things. Which kingdom is it?