
review unit 7 weather

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  • What season is it?
    It's spring.
  • Today, it's ..........
    Today, it's windy.
  • It's the spring. (warm/cold)
    It's warm in the spring.
  • It .........cold in the summer. (is/isn't)
    It isn't cold in the summer.
  • Today, it's ..........
    Today, it's snowy.
  • What season is it?
    It's summer.
  • Today, it's ..........
    Today, it's sunny.
  • What season is it?
    It's autumn.
  • What season is it?
    It's winter.
  • Today, it's ..........
    Today, it's rainy.
  • It's the winter. (warm/cold)
    It's cold in the winter.
  • It in the winter. (is/isn't)
    It isn't hot in the winter.
  • It's the autumn. (hot/cool)
    It's cool in the autumn.
  • Today, it's ..........
    Today, it's cloudy.
  • Today, it .......... cold. (is/isn't)
    Today, it isn't cold.
  • It's the summer. (hot/cool)
    It's hot in the summer.