
Unit 6 Revision

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  • I'm sure that Liz hasn't met Harry before.
    Liz can't have met Harry before.
  • Correct the mistakes:Could you tell me what time does the train leave?
    Could you tell me what time the train leaves.
  • What's this ?
  • what's this ?
  • The judge asked Sam how many times he'd broken the law.
    'How many times have you broken the law?' the judge asked Sam.
  • What's this ?
    window sill
  • Sara told the police that she'd get an alarm the next week.
    'I'll get an alarm next week,' Sara told the police.
  • It's possible that Billy saw me.
    Billy may/might have seen me.
  • What's this ?
  • It's possible that i left my wallet at home.
    I could/may/might have left my wallet at home
  • Can you give me a description?' Julie asked the kids.
    Julie asked the kids if they could give her a description.
  • what's this?
  • 'I saw a UFO last night , Pete,' Harry said
    Harry told Pete that he'd seen a UFO the night before.
  • The detective said she was looking into a serious crime.
    'I'm looking into a serious crime ,' said the detective.
  • Correct the mistake: Would you mind to book a room for me?
    Would you mind booking a room for me?
  • what's this?
    rocking chair
  • It was a mistake for you to buy that car.
    You shouldn't have bought that car.
  • What's this?
    curtain rail
  • What's this?
  • Correct the mistake :I'd be intrested in knowing how much the tickets are?
    I'd be intrested in knowing how much the tickets are. (noquestion mark)
  • Correct the mistakes: I'd appreciate it you could send me a brochure.
    I'd appreciate if you could send me a brochure.
  • I don't think that Sally enjoyed her holiday.
    Sally can't have anjoyed her holiday.
  • I think it was a cat that took the fish from the table.
    It must have been the cat that took the fish from the table.