
Animals classification

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  • Tiger, crocodile and frogs are...
  • Continue this phrase: Pigs eat...
  • Skunks, fish and monkeys are...
  • We, as human beings, are carnivores. True or false?
    False, we are omnivores.
  • Animals can be classified according to their diet into...
    herbivore, carnivore and omnivore
  • Can you tell me three carnivores animals?
  • What does this animal eat?
    Other animals
  • Omnivores' animals only eat plants. True or false?
    False. They eat plants and other animals
  • How do we call animals that eat other animals?
  • The giraffe is an herbivore animal. True or false?
  • Eucaliptus leaves are the favourite food of...
  • Tigers and sharks are similar because...
    both are carnivores
  • Do tigers usually hunt alone or using teamwork?
    They hunt alone
  • Can you tell me three herbivores animals?
  • Cows and foxes are different because...
    cows are herbivores and foxes are omnivores
  • How do we call the animals that only eat plants?
  • Kangaroos are carnivores. True or false?
    False. They are herbivores
  • Can you tell me three omnivores animals?