
Bible Trivia

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  • The Total Number Of Years The Israelite Spent In Captivity in Egypt Is?
    430 years
  • Who asked Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, to take Jesus' deceased body off the cross?
    Joseph of Arimathea (Who was he?)
  • How Many Days Did God Take To Create The World?
  • What Is The Name Of The Wood Noah Used In Building His Ark?
  • What Instrument Did David Play?
  • In the Gospel of Mark, how does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy?
    From the archangel Gabriel
  • Where Did Jesus Grow Up After Returning From Egypt?
  • How Many Pieces Of Silver Did Joseph’s Brothers Receive From Joseph’s Sale Into Slavery?
  • At What Age Did Moses Die?
  • How Many Plagues Did God Send On Egypt?
  • Fill in the blank: "Before the ___ crows, you will disown Me three times."
    Rooster (Who is talking to who?)
  • Whose Example Does Paul Say Christians Should Follow In Chapter 5 Of Ephesians?
  • According To The Gospels, Which Literary Genre Does Jesus Implement To Help Preach His Message?
    Parables (Do you know what a parable is?)
  • Who Were Adam And Eve’s Three Sons Listed In The Bible?
    Cain, Abel, Seth
  • Through What Did God Speak To Moses In The Desert?
    A burning bush.
  • How Many People Did Jesus Feed With Five Loaves Of Bread And Two Fish?
    5000 men
  • What Is The Last Word Of The Bible?
  • After Jesus was arrested, which apostle denied knowing Him 3 times?
  • At Which Place Did Jesus’ Crucifixion Take Place?
  • What Is The Longest Verse In The Bible?
    Esther 8:9
  • Why did God send plagues on Egypt?
    Because the pharaoh refused to release the Israelites from their enslavement
  • What Was Ruth’s Husband Called?
  • What Four Books Tell About Jesus’ Life On Earth?
    Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  • After Noah Got Off The Boat, What Sign Did God Give To Showed His Promise To Never Flood The World Again?
  • Matthew was a...
    Tax collector
  • What Is The Shortest Verse In The Bible?
    John 11:35 “Jesus wept.” (Do you know why?)
  • Who Is The Author Of The Book Of Revelation?