
Present Passive Voice - Inter 3

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  • Flour ________________ to the cookie dough. (add)
    is added
  • I roasted the chicken so it was juicier.
    The chicken was roasted so it was juicier.
  • In some places, people microwave broccoli.
    In some places, broccoli is microwaved.
  • Oranges ________________ to make juice. (squeeze)
    are squeezed
  • Apple launched a new iPhone last year.
    A new iPhone was launched by Apple last year.
  • Brigadeiro ________________ until it's very creamy. (stir)
    is stirred
  • I steamed my vegetables for lunch.
    My vegetables were steamed for lunch.
  • Pamonha ________________ in corn husk, then it ________________. (wrap, sell)
    is wrapped - is sold
  • Both English and French ________________ in Canada. (speak)
    are spoken
  • Bakeries bake delicious cakes.
    Delicious cakes are baked by bakeries.
  • People eat popcorn at the movies.
    Popcorn is eaten at the movies.
  • Every day, a lot of food ________________ all over the world. (make)
    is made
  • In most restaurants, the food ________________ to our table. (bring)
    is brought
  • Coxinhas ________________. (fry)
    are fried