
American Revolution

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  • What was the Boston Tea Party?
    Bostonians snuck aboard ships holding British tea and threw it overboard
  • What was one weakness of the British?
    did not know the land, not used to guerilla warfare, bad communication, Parliament did not support the war, bad leaders
  • What was a patriot?
    want freedom from British rule; most colonists are patriots
  • What was a minuteman?
    colonists who protected their communities and had to be ready at a minute's notice
  • What was a loyalist?
    loyal (support) to the British
  • Why were the Americans revolting against the British?
    independence, religious freedom, taxation without representation
  • What was the Sugar Act?
    taxed sugar and molasses
  • What was one strength of the British?
    best army in the world, well supplied
  • What was the Quartering Act?
    made the colonists responsible for paying for and providing housing for the British
  • What was the first battle in the Revolutionary War?
    Battle of Lexington and Concord
  • What was one weakness of the Americans?
    many soldiers were not trained properly, not many supplies, less soldiers
  • Name one founding father.
    George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, James Monroe, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison
  • What war involved the French, Native Americans, and British?
    The French and Indian War
  • What was the last battle of the Revolutionary War?
    Siege of Yorktown
  • What is the Declaration of Independence?
    listed the reasons why the colonies were declaring independence from Britain
  • What was the Boston Massacre?
    riot between American colonists and British over taxation without representation
  • What was one strength of the Americans?
    knew the land well, motivated by independence/better life, France helped them, strong leaders
  • What are taxes?
    required “contributions” to the state you live in, and to the federal government
  • Who fought in the French and Indian War?
    George Washington
  • Why was Valley Forge important to the Revolutionary War?
    training center for the Americans in the winter
  • What was one major battle in the Revolutionary War?
    Battle of Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Cowpens, Battle of Yorktown
  • Who was fighting in the Revolutionary War?
    British and American colonists
  • What was the Stamp Act?
    tax on newspapers, books, papers, legal documents, dice, and playing cards