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  • Why do so many people get divorced?
    Your opinion :)
  • Ką darote kai susergate ir norite pasveikti?
    What do you do when you get sick and want to get better?
  •  To begin to seriously focus on something, especially after having been wasting time or joking -  ?
    get serious
  • Ar lengvai supykstate?
    Do you get angry easily?
  •  Ką turėtum daryti, jei nenori susirgti?
    What should you do if you don't want to get sick/ill?
  • Ar einate pasivaikščioti kai sutemsta?
    Do you go for a walk when it gets dark?
  • Do you think that people are getting married too soon these days?
    Your opinion :)
  •  Ar pavargstate pasportavęs? (after)
    Do you get tired after doing/ playing sports?
  •  Ką turėtum daryti, jei norėtum praturtėti?
    What should you do if you want to get rich?
  • when you feel tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do - ?
    get bored
  • Ar susijaudinate prieš egzaminą?
    Do you get nervous before an exam?
  • When your employer terminates employment against your will - ? 
    get fired
  • Ar Lietuvoje atšąla rudenį?
    Does it get cold in Lithuania in autumn?
  • to officially become husband and wife = ?
    get married
  • Ką darote, jei pasiklystate mieste, kuriame dar nesate buvęs?
    What do you do when you get lost in a city you haven't been before?
  • Ar nusimenate kai pralaimite žaidimą?
    Do you get sad when you lose a game?
  • to drop in quality or condition - ? 
    get worse
  •  to put your clothes on = ?
    get dressed
  • Kelintą valandą išalkstate ryte?
    What time do you get hungry in the morning?
  • when you feel like you don't understand something - ?
    you get confused