
Past tense

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  • Sam昨晚做了什麼? (English)
    What did Sam do last night?
  • 不,他沒有
    No, he didn't.
  • I move to a new house last weekend. 改錯
    I moved to a new house last weekend.
  • 摘水果
    picked fruit
  • moved to a new house意思
  • mop過去式
  • 不,她沒有
    No, she didn't.
  • 搬家(過去式)
    moved to a new house
  • I moped the floor two hours ago.改錯
    I mopped the floor two hours ago.改錯
  • 拜訪我的爺爺奶奶(過去式)
    visited my grandparents
  • 烤蛋糕(過去式)
    baked a cake
  • What _____ you do do last weekend?
  • 農場裡工作(過去式)
    work on the farm
  • 他昨晚購買食物(English)
    He shopped for food last night.
  • 她昨天沒有拖地(English)
    She didn't mop the floor.
  • Tina昨天做了什麼?
    What did Tina do yesterday?
  • read "visited"
  • 熬夜(過去式)
    stayed up late
  • 參加夏令營(過去式)
    joined a summer camp
  • 購物(過去式)
    shopped for food
  • Amy昨天有沒有摘水果?
    Did Amy pick fruit yesterday?
  • Charlie昨天有沒有熬夜?
    Did Charlie stay up late yesterday?