
World History A Unit 6 Test Review

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  • One of the responsibilities of Athenians was to serve on one of these, which included 12 members deciding on a legal case.
  • This gov't is where ruling power belongs to a few people. Aristocracy or Oligarchy?
  • Greeks were known for using columns in many of their buildings. The columns helped with support and reflected important Greek ideas of harmony, beauty and order. True or False?
  • During Alexander the Great's leadership local people assimilated Greek ideas and adopted local customs in acquired territories. True or False?
  • These are paintings created on wet plaster using watercolors.
  • A play that mocked people or social customs is called a comedy. True or False?
  • Socrates taught by posing a series of questions to students or citizens, challenging them to examine their responses. True or False?
  • The word philosopher combines two Greek words: philos, meaning "loving" and sophos, meaning "wise" True or False?
  • This type of gov't is where the people hold the ruling power.
  • This gov't is where a king or queen holds central power. Monarchy or Oligarchy?
  • Much of the English language includes roots, prefixes and suffixes stemming from Greek language. True or False?
  • Which aspects of Mycenaean civilization came from the Minoans? Religious beliefs or writing system?
    Writing System
  • This term means law making body of government.
  • This is one of the most well known examples of Greek architecture - it was built for the goddess Athena.
    The Parthenon - columns and symmetry are evident as well.
  • This Greek physician is responsible for creating an oath that sets ethical standards for doctors today. Hippocrates or Socrates?
    Hippocrates - the Hippocratic Oath
  • This mathematician created a formula to calculate the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. Pythagoras or Socrates?
  • These stories told of human suffering usually ending in disaster.
    Greek tragedies - Greeks wanted to stir up emotions and release them
  • Archimedes is responsible for engineering innovations that we still use today for irrigation. True or False?
    True! The mechanical pump - lifted water to higher levels.
  • This means sun-centered. Proposed by Aristarchus, an astronomer.
    Heliocentric - not popular - many felt everything revolved around Earth
  • The success of the Minoans was based on conquest, not trade. True or False?
    False - based on successful trade
  • This gov't is led by a privileged minority or upper class. Monarchy or Aristocracy?