
Science 6 1st Midterm exam review

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  • Which organ (A,B,C,D) is used by the cat to exchange carbon dioxide with oxygen?
    Organ A
  • Which of the following is not a social/ emotional change during puberty?
    Letter B - becoming emotionally mature. Puberty is a journey towards emotional maturity. Not yet mature!
  • The union of sperm and egg cells
  • Identify 2 animals that are both prey and predator at the same time.
    Sunspider and Lizard
  • The position of an organism in a food chain
    trophic level
  • What are the names of the two organs?
    Kidney and brain
  • This part transports eggs from the ovary to the uterus
    Oviducts / Fallopian tube
  • What are the producers in this food web?
    Leaves; grass
  • Which organ finishes digestion and absorbs nutrients from the food?
    Small Intestine
  • Make a food chain using all organisms in the picture
    Wheat -> Grasshopper -> Meadowlark -> Peregrine Falcon
  • In vasectomy, the vas deferens of the male is cut and tied. Can the man still have children? Why/ Why not?
    If the vas deferens is cut, the sperm cannot travel from the testes to the urethra. The male can not have children anymore.
  • Explain the difference between pulse and heartbeat.
    Pulse is the wave caused by blood as it is pumped by the heart. Heartbeat is the contraction of the heart to make blood move out
  • The farmer sprays DDT on his field to kill the grasshoppers eating his wheat. If DDT is also poisonous to peregrine falcons, what will happen to its population?
    The falcons population will decrease (trivia: DDT makes the egg shells too soft)
  • Plankton eat the pollutants in the ocean. The plankton are eaten by the small fish, which are then eaten by other consumers. The concentration of pollutants increases in the higher members of the food chain. What process is this?
  • What do you call the female reproductive cells
    Egg cells
  • A woman had her fallopian tubes removed due to cancer. Can she still become pregnant?
    No, an egg can’t travel from the ovaries to meet sperm
  • True or False: The parts of the circulatory system are the heart, blood, lungs, and blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries)
    False! Lungs are not included in the circulatory system.
  • True or False - A regular menstruation cycle is a sign of healthy reproductive organs
  • How much time is needed for a fertilised egg to develop and be born as a baby?
    9 months
  • The habitat of the organisms in this food web are polluted! Which organism would have the highest concentration of toxins?
    The hawk/ tertiary consumer
  • Which side of the heart contains blood poor in oxygen (deoxygenated)
    The right side
  • Which organ removes excess water and filters waste from the blood?
  • Pregnant women are advised not to eat shark, marlin, and swordfish. Why? (Clue: mercury is present in our oceans)
    Because of biomagnification, sharks, swordfish, and marlin may contain enough mercury to damage the unborn baby.
  • Is there an omnivore in the food web? If so, which organism is it?
    There are no omnivores! (Tip: look at the arrows pointing away from the plants)
  • Give two ways to prevent heart disease
    Eat a healthy, balanced diet; Be more physically active; Give up smoking; Keep a healthy weight; Keep blood pressure under control
  • Check the picture of human organs. Is everything correct? If not, which is incorrect?
    The "kidney" label is wrong. It should be stomach
  • Which organism gives energy to the fox and owl?
    rabbit or sparrow
  • Based on the chart, which is the most physically intense activity?
  • Which change happens to FEMALES only?
    Letter C - body becomes curvier
  • In a polluted environment, mercury builds up inside the fish over time. This is called
  • This part of the male reproductive system also plays a role in the excretory system
  • Mercury that reaches the ocean is taken in by zooplankton. The picture shows a food chain containing zooplankton. (c) Which organism is the most likely to have a severely reduced population due to mercury poisoning? Explain your answer
    The fish-eating bird. Because the fish-eating bird is at a high level in the food chain, it gets high levels of mercury as it eats the large fish
  • The process when a female body releases the lining of the uterus and blood through the vagina
  • What does the red color of blood mean in this drawing?
    Blood rich in oxygen
  • What is the biological function of the heart?
    Pumps blood to all parts of the body
  • True or False. Only boys grow taller during puberty
    False! Both boys and girls grow taller during puberty