
Research Methods

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  • What is a strength of a matched pairs design?
    No order effects. Less individual differences.
  • What is a 'measure of central tendency'?
    Something which looks at the average in a data set. e.g. mean, median, mode
  • What are the three types of experimental design?
    Independent measures, repeated measures, matched pairs
  • What type of data do open questions produce?
  • If you observer the behaviour of a child for 5 minutes in every hour, what type of sampling would you be using?
    Time sampling
  • What are ways of controlling extraneous variables?
    counterbalancing, standardised instructions, random allocation to IV
  • What type of data do closed questions produce?
  • Name at least 7 animal ethical issues
    Housing, anesthesia, numbers, deprivation, euthanasia, analgesia, replacement, reward, aversive stimuli, procedure: pain and distress
  • What type of observation is most likely to lead to loss of objectivity in the researcher?
  • What is a strength of laboratory experiments?
    Any deemed fit
  • Which experimental design is best for controlling individual differences and why?
    Repeated measures
  • What is a strength of field experiments?
    Any deemed fit
  • What is meant by population?
    The people you want to be able to generalise your sample/research to
  • What type of interview is easiest to replicate?
  • Which self-report method is more like a conversation?
  • Which observation methods are most likely to lead to unnatural behaviour?
    Overt, controlled
  • What are the three main methods of sampling and describe them?
    Opportunity, volunteer, random
  • What is the difference between a quasi and natural experiment?
    One is taking advantage of a naturally occuring variable. The other is having just no control over groups.
  • What are the 7 ethical issues for humans?