
Human Right Words

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  • respect (verb - can also be a noun)
    to show consideration or thought for
  • change (verb, but also a noun)
    to make something different from the way it was before
  • liberty (noun)
    freedom from being controlled
  • peaceful (adjective)
    without fights or war
  • freedom (noun)
    the right to act, speak, or think as you want
  • justice (noun)
    the quality of being fair, equal, and balanced
  • activism (noun)
    the belief or practice of trying to make changes by BEING INVOLVED
  • equality (noun)
    all people have the same rights and opportunities
  • citizenship (noun)
    being a responsible member of a community/status of being a citizen of a particular country
  • universal (adjective)
    having to do with the whole world
  • values (noun)
    beliefs that help guide our actions
  • human rights (noun)
    all human beings are born equal and free
  • fair (adjective)
    without showing favor for one side over another
  • opportunity (noun)
    the idea  of having a good chance and the possibility to do something
  • declaration (noun)
    a formal announcement that makes something known
  • dignity
    being valued for who you are