
Sun and Stars

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  • What is a constellation?
    A group of stars that make shapes. People used to use this as a map.
  • Who moves? The Earth or The Sun?
  • What size do stars come in?
    Many sizes
  • Why do we only see the sun during the day?
    The earth moves and when it is day, we face the sun. When it is night, we are turned away from the sun.
  • What are stars made of?
    Burning Gases
  • Why are some stars so small when we look at the sky?
    Because they are farther away.
  • What is the sun made of?
    Hot Gases, Hydrogen and Helium
  • What are some things that the sun provides for us?
    Energy, Solar Power, Heat, etc.
  • Do you see more stars in the city or in the country?
  • What would it be like on Earth, if we had no Sun?
    Cold and Dark
  • What happens when a star dies?
    Small ones die out, big ones explode and can create more STARS!
  • Name things you see during the day.
  • What is a group of stars that make shapes in the sky called? Const____s.
  • Is the sun small, medium, or large as a star?
  • What is the closest star to Earth?
  • Name things you see at night.
  • What is gravity?
    A force that holds things together.
  • What is a Shooting star made of?
  • Do stars move?