
US History A - Unit 5 Recap

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  • The Judiciary Act of 1789 created the Supreme Court. True or False?
  • Nullification is the concept that states had the ability to decide whether a law was unconstitutional. True or False?
  • Popular sovereignty stated that territory residents, not Congress would decide if slavery would be allowed. True or False?
    True - it was part of the Compromise of 1850
  • This is where angry farmers used violence to protest new tax policies. The Whiskey Rebellion or Shay's Rebellion
    The Whiskey Rebellion
  • The turned American public opinion against France. The Whiskey Rebellion or the XYZ Affair?
    The XYZ affair
  • This caused slave states to increase restrictions further divided the North and South. Nat Turner's Rebellion or the Underground Railroad?
    Nat Turner's Rebellion
  • Hamilton's Financial Plan during Washington's presidency is considered by many the event that created the first political parties. True or False?
  • This is the belief that it is America's God-given right to conquer the continent to spread democracy. Manifest Destiny or The Louisiana Purchase
    Manifest Destiny
  • This political party viewed that slavery should not be allowed in any land gained from the Mexican Cession following the Mexican- American War. The Republican party or the Free-Soil Party?
    The Free-Soil Party
  • The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 elevated women's rights to a national level. True or False?
  • Marbury vs. Madison established judicial review or the Supreme Court?
    judicial review
  • The Alien and Sedition Acts authorized the President to arrest and deport immigrants who criticized the gov't. True or False?
  • This resulted in battles between Free-Soilers and border ruffians. Blending Kansas or Mexican- American War?
    Bleeding Kansas
  • This is the belief that there is an irrational, spiritual and mystical element to human existence. Transcendentalism or Enlightenment?
  • This stated that slaves were considered property and therefore the gov't could not ban slavery in any state. Popular Sovereignty or Dred Scott Decision?
    Dred Scott Decision
  • The cotton gin increased cotton farming and slavery. True or False?
  • These were pro-slavery who crossed the border to vote to influence whether the territory became a free state or a slave state. Border Ruffians or Abolitionists?
    Border Ruffians
  • Political involvement in this party was determined by land ownership. Federalists or Democrats?
    Federalist Party
  • This included secretary of state, secretary of the treasury and attorney general. Senate or Cabinet?
  • Considered the largest reform movement at the time, the goal of the Temperance movement was to ban alcohol to alleviate society's moral decline. True or False?
  • This discouraged European intervention in the Western Hemisphere. Monroe Doctrine or Alien and Sedition Acts?
    Monroe Doctrine